Pet Custody in New York City: How to Win a Pet Custody Case in a Divorce
The Gilmer Law Firm, PLLC represents individuals in both matrimonial actions in New York City. I have noticed a growing trend in pet custody cases over the years. This blog will give the reader an idea on how the law is applied in cases of this type. Knowing the law will...

Factors That Can Affect a Mother’s Custody Battle Outcome
Facing down a custody battle to determine who will care for your children is one of the most stressful things a mother can go through. The fear that you may be restricted from seeing your children if you say or do something wrong can leave you feeling paralyzed. If you are worried...
Can I Terminate or Suspend Child Support Payments in New York?
My name is George, M. Gilmer, Esq. I am an attorney licensed to practice my New York State and have offices in Brooklyn. I am a child custody/visitation parental alienation attorney and a child support attorney. Based upon my 20 years of experience, I have seen situations where parents pay child support...

Fighting Indicated ACS and CPS Cases in New York: Asserting Your Rights and Clearing Your Name
The Gilmer Law Firm, PLLC, has been representing parents, educators, physicians, psychologists, law enforcement officers, childcare providers, and others who have been indicated in an ACS (Administration for Children’s Services) or CPS (Child Protective Services) case for the...

What Are the Long-Term Consequences of Abuse & Neglect According to CPS
A child abuse or neglect accusation is serious. People accused of child abuse or neglect may have difficulty rebuilding their lives after the investigation is over. There are many long-term consequences of abuse & neglect cases that could affect future employment and family planning decisions.
If you’re under investigation...

Supervised Visitation In Custody Cases
Courts generally try to support the relationship between a parent and child. Sometimes, however, the parent may engage in risky behaviors, have a violent past, or otherwise pose a danger to the child. Under these circumstances, a court may order supervised visitation. This meets the child’s need to have a relationship with...

Can You Hire a Private Psychologist or Doctor in an ACS Case?
A child abuse or neglect investigation can be frightful and confusing. This is particularly true if the New York City Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) has questioned your mental health as it relates to your parenting abilities. ACS may tell you they must get a mental health evaluation...

Can I File a Restraining Order Against a Teacher?
How to Win a Custody Modification Case
During a divorce, a judge awards custody based on what they perceive to be the best interests of the child at that time. But what if circumstances change and the custody order is no longer best for the child? In that case, you can ask for custody modification.
Requesting custody modification can be an uphill...
What Can Be Used Against You in a Custody Battle?
When you split from the parent of your child, the child custody process can be fraught with overwhelming challenges.
If you’re going through a divorce or separation, we imagine you have concerns about your parenting rights.
A child custody order often depends on your child’s needs, the judge selected for your case, the...