Court to Weigh Whether Methadone During Pregnancy Equals Child Abuse

In a case closely watched by child safety advocates across the country, the New Jersey Supreme Court is slated to decide whether a pregnant mother who underwent methadone maintenance therapy during gestation should be found guilty in family court of abuse and neglect of her infant son, who was born dependent on the drug. In...
Court to Weigh Whether Methadone During Pregnancy Equals Child Abuse Continue reading…

False ACS Allegations in New York Can Weigh Heavily on Families

It is illegal in New York City to make a false report of child abuse to the Administration of Children's Services (ACS). However, that doesn't stop people from doing so. Some may genuinely believe they witnessed a child placed in harm's way. Some encounter ambiguous conduct and draw mistaken conclusions. There are also unfortunately individuals...
False ACS Allegations in New York Can Weigh Heavily on Families Continue reading…

Adrian Peterson Case and the Legality of Corporal Punishment

Minneapolis Vikings' All-Pro running back Adrian Peterson is facing criminal child abuse charges that could lead to two years in prison and possibly the end of his football career after he was arrested for striking his 4-year-old-son with a "switch," or thin tree branch. He has been suspended indefinitely from the NFL while his...
Adrian Peterson Case and the Legality of Corporal Punishment Continue reading…

In re A.E. – Brooklyn ACS Lawyers Discuss Spanking as Discipline

Parents have the fundamental right to discipline their child as they see fit - within the confines of the law. However, our Brooklyn ACS lawyers recognize problems can arise when definitions of appropriate discipline vary. Often a parent's cultural background and personal upbringing play a role in their views on discipline. In a place...
In re A.E. – Brooklyn ACS Lawyers Discuss Spanking as Discipline Continue reading…

Brooklyn Divorce Lawyers Advise Women How to Protect Financial Interests

While income equality is more of a reality today than just a few decades ago, the fact is, many women still earn less than men. In the event of divorce, family law judges seek to equitably divide assets and establish support payments were necessary. However, our Brooklyn divorce lawyers are well aware that far...
Brooklyn Divorce Lawyers Advise Women How to Protect Financial Interests Continue reading…

Macchio v. Macchio – New York Child Custody Modification After Divorce

Modification of a child custody order in New York requires there be some sort of material or substantial change in circumstance since the previous order was issued. Our Brooklyn family law attorneys know failure to establish this will likely result in dismissal of the request, as was seen recently in the case of
Macchio v. Macchio – New York Child Custody Modification After Divorce Continue reading…

Balogh v. Balogh – Enforceabilty of Prenuptial, Postnuptial Agreements

Prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements are considered binding contracts that can be legally enforced by the courts in the event of a divorce, even when the agreement runs contrary to what a judge might decide if given the discretion. However, there is a chance that such agreements could be deemed unenforceable by the court. Our Brooklyn...
Balogh v. Balogh – Enforceabilty of Prenuptial, Postnuptial Agreements Continue reading…